Friday, January 30, 2015

Jan 30 BEV of •gbot•

So when I reflect back on this last week I realize I'm not quite ready to put my name on it yet. There are still another 36 hours and two days before Monday shows up again (yeah, that's right, we do to much to have 24 hour long days, we operate 48 hour days). 

Many finish lines were crossed since Monday and several entirely new races started today. 

These are some of the pics that ended up on my camera roll this week-- this is my BEV (Birds Eye View) of the race so far:

Catch us on Dragon Den Next Gen feb 9/2015

There is more to everyone than meets the eye. 

I wish I learned this in school. True. 

Because bacon. 

A rhino has thick skin, only moves forward and looks damn cool. Be the rhino. 

Just pure chaos. 

Great place to eat and talk. 

I wish I learned this in school. 

Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you feel like checking ye caloric intake of that nut. 

Find great prices on bath and toiletry products in •gbot•, it will put a smile on you face. 

It's a small world-- you'd be surprised who you'll bump into. 

Instagram can make anyone look good in a pic. Thanks. 

Communication, over. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Why can't the BoardRoom be like this?

If any of you have googled me, Stevan Cvjetkovich, you may have seen my alter ego, Kobra Kai. A pro wrestling persona that I used for over a decade. The showmanship of pro wrestling was not lost on me or the •gbot• team and recently we had a chance to flex those 'on stage' muscles by taping an segment  for Dragons Den spin off Next Gen. Check it out here:

@GBOTCANADA: What you doing for 2015? Oh, you know... Shopping Easy & Saving Money on #DragonsDen Next Gen

Thursday, January 22, 2015

It may not be typical but it's what we do

Ever since my first job (that wasn't am allowance based chore from a family member) I have been told that there is a 'way' to do whatever job it was. From bus boy to waiter, to sales guys, to consultant, to Mnager to director and the dozen or so stops in between. 

There is a 'way' to run a company and a 'way' to launch a web service and so on. Now, I completely believe that there are dos and donts out there and good practices and such but I don't think that there is just one 'way' to do anything. Never have. 

That preamble was nessaccary because I've put a lot of thought into the marketing resources we have available for EQI and •gbot•. There is little argument that FB and Twitter and being social in general (Pinterest, blogs, reddit, this one, that one, the next one, the one I don't even know and the rest) are very essential peices to the marketing puzzle. But what is the 'way' to use them? 

Well, I know what other companies are doing-- buy this, value prop that, did you know this, it's a day of some kind, look what I ate, etc. As it turns out, that really isn't our voice as individuals and therefore doesn't really work as the voice of •gbot•. 

Our posts and ads at •gbot• may not be the 'way' that everyone else is doing it but we are finding our Way everyday just a little bit more. I had an acquaintance i bumped into recently say to me 'oh, you do those tweets for •gbot•? Yeah, I cam see that. They are ridiculous,' and I was very flatter/insulted by that. I was insulted because I'm not sure being labelled 'ridiculous' is good (it's definitely not a skill on my LinkedIn profile) and I was flattered because he remembered the tweets. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: don't be afraid to be different and try something new. Worst case scenario, you'll be remembered. 

Now go and download •gbot• for free, communication over! 

@GBOTCANADA: Meanwhile, in Toronto Canada, high grocery prices menace the city... But wait, here come the free •gbot• app to save the day! #savethepig 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday night ends the •gbot• week

So it's Saturday night and the •gbot• week is over (it's starts again tomorrow, Sunday, Morning). These are the pics that ended up on my camera role in the last 6 days and accurately summarize those entrepreneurial 144 hours (out of 10,000).

Nowhere to go but up. 
•gbot• team in BC. 
Because bacon. 
Yes, this was a real thing. 
Is a quorum of •gbot• execs. 

Believe in yourself. 

Because Nutella. 

Filed by coffee. 

The •gbot• support team 2/4. 

Saved $$$ with •gbot• and the bill was the same as my birthday!!!

Communication, over! 


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Some pics from my Sunday camera roll

These are some of the pics that I find on my camera roll on Sunday evening before the week starts again and more random pics wind up on my phone. A glimpse into my 24/7. Enjoy. 
Just wanted to share these. Enjoy!