Friday, February 28, 2014

Get results from advertising not fees

The title may bit a little too explanatory of this quick blog but I wanted to stand on a soap box about the difference between performance results based advertising against the traditional fee or subscription methods. I've been in marketing longer than I care to admit and I used to sell subscriptions - monthly fees for a service that may or may not work. Google is clearly the leader in pay for play advertising with adwords and other lesser known products. I fully advocate performance based ads: if they work for your business you pay for them-- think of it as a commission if that helps. Locking into an ad program that insists on a monthly fee regardless of performance should be a red flag for any potential advertiser. Never trust the sales guy, always refer to what's on the contract! If it's not written on the contract it doesn't exist regardless of the song and dance the salesperson just performed for you, the potential advertiser. You, Advertiser, have to decide if you're paying for a product or paying for results. That's the difference between incurring a cost and making an investment. Pay smart. Thanks for reading.