Friday, November 28, 2014

The Internet of flyers

I recently started hearing the term 'the Internet of ______' being used a lot more often lately. I love this concept: a new innovation or invention that will literally change the way we interact with the world. 

I think about Elon Musk and Tesla Motors or the fair catch rule etc. I also think about how Groupon and Companies like Snap by Groupon really changed the coupon space and made the 'Internet of coupons.' Coupons had been around for, whatever, forever and the first 'internet coupon pioneers' didn't really pioneer that much at all. They only snapped a pic of a paper coupon and threw it up willy knilly on the line. Coupons were still just coupons even though they were technically on the line.

It wasn't until Groupon (I like to think it was Groupon) and maybe LivingSocial really changed how we interact with coupons what can be couponed and what that means for us, the couponers, did a real 'Internet of Coupons' happen. They made a multi billion dollar industry overnight and, for better or worse, they are here to stay. 

Although coupons and flyers are very similar on the surface, there hasn't yet been an 'internet of the flyer' yet. A lot of people have tried, but I don't feel that a PDF of a paper store flyer is really that innovative and definitely hasn't impacted my world. 

With very little ego, I truly feel that the software in the •gbot• app is truly unique and will be the standard moving into 2015. I feel that the •gbot• concept will by the Internet of the Flyer Space for grocers and other retailers. 

Check out our new •gbot• demo video at Download the app for free. Shop easy & save money, everyone. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

New technology

Over the years I've had a chance to work for some very large companies. I've had a chance to work for the 800 pound gorillas and I've also the chance to work for the small little creatures that run through the jungle: What you (the 'royal' you) give up in job security, a steady paycheck and a lack of responsibility knowing that there's always a manager director ahead of you to take the blame if you or your team don't do well you definitely gain and excitement and adventure working for the little guys.

So it was only a matter of time before I realized that I can di this for myself. So after a bit of brainstorming and a bit of observation, myself and a few friends decided to come up with a project called •gbot•. 

The •gbot• app, just like the other projects that are in the funnel at the EQI, was something that really should have been invented by somebody else bye now.

Our mission statement at EQI has been to identify user behavior and fill the void in a marketplace when a product should already exist to accommodate that behavior.  The •gbot• app definitely fulfills a need for shoppers who shop all the time at grocery stores, to be able to go out and save money on their groceries. A lot of other new exciting projects are in the works and coming along shortly. It's up to us, the users, the inventors, the salesman and everyone else to do their part and make sure that these great new products get made. 

If you have an idea you have a vision or you have a great concept that should see the light of day, you should definitely pursue it and do your best to make sure it comes to fruition. Support local ideas, support local entrepreneurs, support yourself. Join up now-- sign up for free on and be one of the beta testers to help usher in this great new technology. Let us know what you think, let us know what your ideas are.

And speaking of great new ideas and even great innovations on old ideas it should be known that I'm actually dictating this entire blog on Dragon dictation. Just another great technology that I'm finally getting the hang of and starting to use on a regular basis. So is •gbot• going to be the next Dragon dictation or the next Groupon? Well we'll just have to wait and see. I look forward to reading your feedback and so does the rest of the •gbot•
team. With your help and support during this beta phase who knows maybe we will have come up with the next big thing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Having fun with design

As a creator there is a fine line between creating a great, self explanatory design that's intuitive and fun to use versus just plain old mood swinging  'I want it this way'. The 'my way or the highway' designer is only making an app or web service for themself. It has been a privilege and pleasure to work with Bobby Nemati on the design of the •gbot• app. Taking the brand concept to a real level where the fun isn't sacrificed by function. Take a look at his work (and •gbot•, of course) here at and drop us a line on twitter @gbotcanada @scvjetkovich @bobbynemati 

Shop easy, everyone, 

Steve •gbot• 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Get results from advertising not fees

The title may bit a little too explanatory of this quick blog but I wanted to stand on a soap box about the difference between performance results based advertising against the traditional fee or subscription methods. I've been in marketing longer than I care to admit and I used to sell subscriptions - monthly fees for a service that may or may not work. Google is clearly the leader in pay for play advertising with adwords and other lesser known products. I fully advocate performance based ads: if they work for your business you pay for them-- think of it as a commission if that helps. Locking into an ad program that insists on a monthly fee regardless of performance should be a red flag for any potential advertiser. Never trust the sales guy, always refer to what's on the contract! If it's not written on the contract it doesn't exist regardless of the song and dance the salesperson just performed for you, the potential advertiser. You, Advertiser, have to decide if you're paying for a product or paying for results. That's the difference between incurring a cost and making an investment. Pay smart. Thanks for reading. 


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cardboard doctors in grocery stores leads to healthier consumers.

For those of you who have read Robert Cialdini’s book – Influence, you probably see it in action everyday of your life – from commercials, to magazines, to street vendors, the principles of Influence are everywhere. Interestingly enough, the 4th principle of authority has been tested at a Morrisons’ store in Salford, Manchester and the benefits are paying off to store and the community. 

The authority principle states that people are more likely to obey authority figures than not. Makes sense right? What is interesting is that the authority does not even have to be a credible, valid figure. One example used is the famous Milgrim’s experiment.

Now how did the Morrisons’ store take advantage of the authority principle? By simply having lifesize cut-out images of real doctors and nurses in the area, they were able to increase their volume of fresh fruit sold by 20% and frozen fruit by 29%!

How would this help the community? Damian Edwards, the study’s author, believes that if this strategy were implemented across supermarkets nationwide, it could improve the health of nearly two thirds of the population who currently do no eat their daily-recommended portions of fruits and veggies.

For a grocery chain, this would be a great marketing spend and a great way to encourage healthier consumer eating! Win-win! 


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cooking with pizzazz, resolutions for 2014.

Every year I make the same resolutions – join a competitive hockey league, learn another language, go the gym. Rarely do I accomplish all, many, or any of the goals, but this year, with the help of YouTube, I hope to tackle a more realistic challenge; be better in the kitchen.

1)    Make real mac and cheese.
Toss out the box and powder, I want nothing more than to perfect the art of homemade mac and cheese. I remember my first attempt as a child involved tossing processed cheese with macaroni. According to my mom it was a waste of cheese and macaroni.  My first attempt as an adult involved tossing chunks of cheese (who really has time to grate cheese?) with macaroni. I can tell you myself it was a waste of cheese and macaroni.

In all my research for the perfect recipe, this seems to be the easiest, simplest, and delicious.

2)    Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course
Did you know that all of Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Courses are on YouTube? Not just recipes, but each episode is packed with great tips and sagely advice from the Ramsay himself – like how to properly sharpen your knives and season everything with salt and pepper. His recipes are quick, cheap, healthy and most of all delicious. I’ve watched first three thus far and can’t wait to watch the rest. Grab a notepad and take notes.

Biggest tip thus far, the ‘lay away’. When cooking on a hot frying pan, lay your meats or fish away from your body to prevent hot oil splash. Genius.

3)    Bake my own bread.
There really doesn’t seem to be anything better than baking your own bread. A friend of mine bakes his own bread and some of his more unique creations are unbelievable. From olive and chili pepper sourdough bread to bacon bits Focaccia, I never realized how creative bread making could be until I was able to sample some of his wonderful creations.

Here’s a simple, (but not quick) recipe for some homemade focaccia. Get creative and get excited.

Well this is a start, let’s so how it goes. Have a wonderful 2014. What resolutions have you made for the year?

Stay hungry,
